Risa Floor V18.0 x
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Risa Floor V18.0 x ASC Steel Deck

Risa is a structural analysis and design software that provides engineers with tools that are capable of solving design challenges and have multiple software packages. Risa Floor is one of many Risa software products which creates an intuitive floor-by-floor modeling environment for straightforward multi-story building creation.

Risa Floor V18.0 was released on February 20, 2024. ASC Steel Deck profiles are now available in the default deck database of Risa Floor. Download this versionĀ HEREĀ and start using our products.

View a short video on how to select ASC Steel Deck roof and floor products from Risa Floor in the video below or by clickingĀ HERE.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9




      Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.


      63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


      +12 (0) 345 678 9


