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Now Scheduling Lunch and Learn Presentations

Presentation Summary:

ASC Steel Deck is a leading steel manufacturer offering light gauge structural roof deck and floor deck products. In this one-hour presentation, we will go through an interactive presentation that allows engineers and architects to collaborate with our presenters in three sections: Specifications, Products, and Resources & Services.

Specifications: This covers specifying steel deck products, substitutions, and how we can help eliminate pain points for engineers, architects, and other project stakeholders.

Products: This section focuses on our full product line, including proprietary products (DeltaGrip® DG4™ Tool and Smooth Series™), highlighting different options and benefits.

Resources & Services: Reviews the available resources, including engineering, sustainability, and additional software.

Mahsa Mahdavian, Technical Representative and Lunch and Learn presentation speaker

Mahsa Mahdavian
Technical Representative Engineer


Please fill out the Lunch and Learn Presentation Request Form below, and we will respond by email or phone.

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9

