ASC Steel Deck Now Available in Risa Floor Database
ASC Steel Deck roof and floor products are now available in the default deck database of Risa Floor V16.0 and can be used in designing your next projects. Risa Floor V16.0 was released on February 15th, 2022 and modifications such as modeling and analysis improvements as well as material code and design code updates are along some of those changes.
Risa Floor is an application for modeling and designing multi-story commercial and institutional buildings. Once you download Risa Floor V16.0, you can access all ASC Steel Deck profiles in the default selection option including:
Available ASC Steel Deck roof deck profiles of 2WH-36, 3WxH-36, B-36, BS-36, BN-36, C1.4/CP-32, DG2WH-36, DG3WxH-36, DGB-36, DGN-32, N-32, and NN-32.
Available ASC Steel Deck floor deck profiles of 2WH-36, 3WxH-36, BH-36, BHN-36R, NH-32 with a variety of concrete thickness options.
View a quick summary of how to select ASC Steel Deck profiles in Risa Floor via this video.
ASC Steel Deck x Risa Floor is one of the collaborations we have been working on in recent months. ASC Steel Deck’s objective is to make designing with our products easier for engineers and architects. Stay tuned for more releases.
Do you have a question regarding our products or services we can help answer?  As a trusted partner committed to offering solutions and educating customers on our products, ASC Steel Deck wants to answer any questions you may have. You can contact us via our online form, Ask ASC Steel Deck.